Facebook konta dzēšana

kādu pusstundu mēģināju atrast kā izdzēst savu Facebook kontu, nu nevaru atrast to pogu, visas acis izskatīju, varbūt kāds zin kā to s.du izdzēst?

pardon_my_french (2012-03-03 15:56)  8 1 http://romcartridge.blogspot.com/2010/04/how-to-delete-facebook-account.html

art_deco (2012-03-03 17:04)  2   Jā - ļaunais feisbuks ar varu ievilināja tevi reģistrēties. Pats reģistrējās, pats čikst.

Tessa (2012-03-03 17:06)    3 vispar nesaprotu,kapec tad k-kur ir jaregjistrejas.
feisbuks ir erts un man patiik daudzu iemeslu delj.

Ariel (2012-03-03 17:10)  2 1 tikai naivie tic, ka viņi no kaut kurienes var izdzēsties.

Aidziss (2012-03-03 18:38)      Tessa ..tev jau viss ir ērts..pat banāns podā...domā ko raksti!!
Facebook ievilina personas un ne kas tur nav ērts...var jau būt ērts lai savu pakaļu pagrozīt sabiedrībā...bet es cik noprotu ka tu esi no ērmīgajām ka par savu ģīmetni nevari ielikt oho.lv tad ko tur vispār tālak runāt ( rakstīt)
Tā kā piever pāksti un attīsties

fargo (2012-03-03 19:15)      Tad nu gan tirgus! Vienkāršs jautājums, vienkaršas atbildes.

"How do I permanently my account?
If you deactivate your account from your Security Settings page, your profile (timeline) and all information associated with it disappears from the Facebook service immediately. People on Facebook will not be able to search for you or view any of your information.

In case you want to come back to Facebook at some point, we save your profile (timeline) information (friends, photos, interests, etc.) so that your account will look just the way it did when you left. A lot of people deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and expect their profiles (timelines) to be there when they return to the service.

If you do not think you will use Facebook again and would like your account deleted, keep in mind that you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added. If you would like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, log in to your account and then submit your request here."


verso (2012-03-03 23:26)      Izrādās, ka ne es vienīgā nemācēju no turienes izdzēsties :)

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