Wifi telefonā

Wifi telefonā - jautājumi un diskusijas

Ko darīt, ja telefons nepieslēdzas pie wi fi? (6)
Kādu laiku atpakaļ atjaunoju telefonam lg l9 rūpnīcas iestātījumus un tagad nevaru pieslēgties pie wi fi. Viņš atrod mājas wi fi, bet tīklīdz es uzspiežu uz to, uzreiz met ārā. Neprasa nekādu paroli. Kur ir tā problēma?
vai telefonam ir probelmas tikai ar majas wifi vai ari piespegties jeb kuram wifi? sobrd man padoma ir divas potencialas problemas:
1. uz telefona ir saglabajusies nekorekta konfiguracija: ludzu pameginiet izmantot ´forget this network´ izvelni http://www.androidcentral.com/android-101-how-forget-wifi-network
2. majas wifi router´s strada parak liela frekvence vai ari notiek nokluseta automatiska kanalu maina. saja gadijuma gan tas bus mazliet sarezgitak nomainams.
Fixes For LG Wi-fi Not Connecting Issue
Here we are mentioning some fixes. You can try them one by one.

Turn off your router and on it again.
Take out the battery from your LG G3, re it and turn on the phone.
Navigate to Settings > Wifi > and long press on your router and tell it to Forget Network. Then set up the connection again.
Check if the Battery Saver is on. If so, then off this option so that it does not create problems to the wifi connection.
If the Bluetooth on your phone is on, then try to off it as it may interfere with wifi connection sometimes.
In the Wifi screen you will see menu button at the top right. Tap the button and access Advanced Wifi. Try to change the settings here.
If you see the option to connect 5 GHz instead of 2.4 GHz, then try it.
Sometimes too much crowded channels cause the LG G3 Wi-fi Not Connecting Issue. So you can install WiFi Analyzer app and check if the channels are too busy. If yes, then switch to a less busy channel.
Verify with your router manufacturer to ensure that you have the latest firmware for the router.
kaads telafons? Var arii buut mehaaniski noluuuzusi antenna iekssaas, ja ntaas reizees ir kritis zemee. Если меняли настройки на заводские-навер&
#1085;о не ввели снова пароль wifi сети...удалите например свою сеть и включив снова -должен запросить пароль,введите и должно работать---если конечно нет неисправности
··· Wifi telefonā: Ko darīt, ja telefons ... lasīt visu diskusiju (6 atbildes) –»
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