Teksts atverot inbox.lv
This is a version of http://www.inbox.lv/index.html.ru as it looked when our crawler examined the site on 4/18/2007. The page you see below is the version in our index that was used to rank this page in the results to your recent query. This is not necessarily the most recent version of the page - to see the most recent version of this page, visit the page on the web.Live.com is not affiliated with the content nor parties responsible for the page displayed below.
Atverot inbox,izmet šādu tekstu,pasakiet,ja kāds zin,ko tas nozīmē?
BuutlsBamtrinketls (2007-05-03 00:26)
Kādu TIEŠI adresi tu raksti, kad šis parādās? Vispār, šamā teksta autors ir robots.txt, bet man liekas nav svarīgi šobrīd apspriest kas tas ir.
Es apskatītos vai tev dns`a servera adresi kāds zarazkins nav nomainījis(bet hvz vai).
Start>run>ieraksti CMD[enter]>raksti ipconfig -all[enter]>tur būs DNS servers, salīdzini vai tie sakrīt ar tava internetprovaidera(isp) līgumā dotajiem.
erina_erina (2010-04-11 13:19) BuutlsBamtrinketls - nav jaabuut iipashi gudram, lai saprastu, ka adrese, ko raksta ir www.inbox.lv
caress5 (2014-10-30 19:00) Aziistos godiigi. Neievietoju un ko noziimee nezinu.
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